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Researchers in Training

Ongoing doctoral dissertations:

1. Clarice Araújo Carvalho. Resiliência urbana: Sistemas alimentares sustentáveis por ações comunitárias. 2022. Doctorate. Núcleo de Pós-Graduação em Administração - Federal University of Bahia. Advisor: Andréa Ventura. Coorientadora: Heliana Faria Mettig Rocha

Post-Doctorate in progress:


1. Suzana Más Rosa. Evaluation of data on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and its relation with inappropriate waste disposal in Salvador / BA. 2020. Postdoc. (Nucleo de Pos Graduacao em Administração) - Federal University of Bahia. Advisor: Celio Andrade.

2. Ângela Marcia de Andrade Silva. Resiliência urbana: Contribuição das edificações para mitigação e adaptação às mudanças climáticas em Salvador/BA. 2022. Postdoc. (Nucleo de Pos Graduacao em Administração) - Federal University of Bahia. Advisors: Celio Andrade e Andrea Ventura.

Graduated Researchers

Doctoral dissertations completed and doctors trained:

1. Ângela Marcia de Andrade Silva. Avaliação do processo de formulação e implementação da estratégia de resiliência de Salvador. 2022. Thesis (Industrial Engineering Program - PEI) - Polytechnic School of UFBA. Advisor: Celio Andrade

2. Viviane Torinelli. Finanças verdes: Um estudo da sua interação com a gestão das reservas internacionais pelos Bancos Centrais. 2022. Thesis. (Nucleo de Pos Graduacao em Administração) - Federal University of Bahia. Advisor: Antonio Francisco Almeida Jr.

3. Maria de Fatima Barbosa Goes. Oportunidades e desafios para a ampliação dos cobenefícios para o desenvolvimento sustentável dos projetos de energia eólica no nordeste brasileiro. Thesis (Industrial Engineering Program - PEI) - Escola Politécnica da UFBA. 2021. Advisor: Celio Andrade


4. Ulysses Cruz. Inventory of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS): Opportunities and challenges for improving carbon management. 2020. Thesis. (Nucleo de Pos Graduacao em Administração) - Federal University of Bahia. Advisor: Celio Andrade

5. Thiago Alexsandro Novaes das Virgens. Calculation of the carbon footprint of the Public Ministry of the State of Bahia . 2020. Thesis (Industrial Engineering Program - PEI) - Polytechnic School of UFBA. Advisor: Celio Andrade

6. Rita de Cássia Souza Ribeiro Torres. Impacts of a Brazilian electricity distributor's GHG emissions on the economic result and electricity tariff: COELBA case study . 2019. Thesis (Industrial Engineering Program - PEI) - Polytechnic School of UFBA. Advisor: Celio Andrade  

7. Juliano Almeida de Faria. Determinant factors in the disclosure of climate change actions in Brazilian companies participating in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) . Thesis (Industrial Engineering Program - PEI) - Polytechnic School of UFBA. 2018.

8. Roberto Câmara . Methodology for calculating the compressed air energy storage (CAES) in saline caves: a case study in Salgema mining, state of Alagoas . 2019. Thesis (Industrial Engineering Program - PEI) - Polytechnic School of UFBA. Advisor: Celio Andrade

9. André Luis Rocha de Souza. Companies participating in the Carbon Efficient Index (ICO2) - BM & FBOVESPA: business initiatives in climate and return and share sensitivity to market risk . Thesis (Industrial Engineering Program - PEI) - Polytechnic School of UFBA. 2016.


10. Guineverre Alvarez. Challenges for implementing REDD + in Brazil: analysis of threats and opportunities, strengths and weaknesses . 2016. Thesis (Administration) - Federal University of Bahia.


11. Danielle Paiva. Projects of the voluntary carbon market in Brazil: analysis of the co-benefits for sustainable development . 2015. Thesis (Administration) - Federal University of Bahia.

12. Jamile Santos. Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) at Embasa: opportunities to improve emissions management . Thesis (Industrial Engineering Program - PEI) - Polytechnic School of UFBA. 2015  
13. Luz Fernandez Garcia. Evaluation of the coverage of sustainable development and the reduction of poverty in climate change mitigation projects in Brazil . 2014. Thesis (Doctorate in Environmental Sciences) Polytechnic University of Madrid.  
14. Andréa Cardoso Ventura. Social technologies of coexistence with the Bahian semiarid: strategy for global climate governance . 2013. Thesis (Administration) - Federal University of Bahia.

15. Luana Farias. Schuman's legitimation strategies announced by the Brazilian companies participating in the Carbon Disclosure Project . 2013. Thesis (Administration) - Federal University of Bahia.

16. George Augusto Batista Câmara. Conditioning factors for the large-scale use of carbon dioxide capture and geological storage technologies in Brazil and their application in the state of Bahia. 2012. Thesis (Industrial Engineering Program - PEI) - Polytechnic School of UFBA.

17. Janice Mileni Bogo. The Clean Development Mechanism in the State of Santa Catarina and its contribution to Local Sustainable Development . 2012. Thesis (Administration) - Federal University of Bahia.

18. Antônio Costa Silva Júnior. Evaluation of CDM Projects Implemented by Brazilian Companies . 2011. Thesis (Industrial Engineering Program - PEI) - Polytechnic School of UFBA.

Completed Post-Doctorates:

1. Janaina Otonelli. Co-benefits for the Sustainable Development of the Productive Chains of the Wind and Solar Energy Sectors in Northeast Brazil , 2019. Posdoc. (Nucleo de Pos Graduacao em Administração) - Federal University of Bahia. Advisor: Celio Andrade.

2. Andrea Ventura. Inclusive recycling: Social climate-coping technology for Brazilian South-South cooperation . 2018. Pos-Doc (Business) - Federal University of Bahia.

3. George Câmara. Screening of the Recôncavo Basin Fields for CO2 Injection. 2018. PosDoc (Industrial Engineering Program) - Federal University of Bahia.

4. Alvany Maria dos Santos Santiago.
Organizational Sustainability: environmental and climatic aspects . 2018. Pos-Doc (Business) - Federal University of Bahia.

Completed Master's Thesis and Graduated Masters:

1. Kézia Ferreira Campos. Estuários a caminho da resiliência climática: Um modelo de análise2022. Dissertation Project. (Núcleo de Pós Graduação em Administração) - Federal University of Bahia. Advisor: Andréa Cardoso Ventura

2. Clarice Araújo Carvalho. A contribuição das hortas urbanas no fortalecimento da resiliência urbana frente às mudanças climáticas. 2022. Dissertation Project (Núcleo de Pós Graduação em Administração) -
Federal University of Bahia. Advisor: Andréa Cardoso Ventura

3.  Sasha Gramacho. Método para a seleção de campos de petróleo terrestres da Bacia do Recôncavo e Sergipe para utilização em larga escala de CO2-EOR e armazenamento geológico de CO2. 2019. Dissertation Project (Programa de Engenharia Industrial) -
Polytechnic School of UFBA. Advisor: Celio Andrade

4. Flavia Melo Menezes. Inventory of greenhouse gas emissions in the Brazilian chemical sector: a case study in a chemical company in Bahia. 2018. Thesis (Industrial Engineering Program) - Polytechnic School of UFBA.

5. Augusta Coelho Santana. Reduction of greenhouse gases in the Brazilian sugarcane agribusiness: discussion of the carbon credit instrument in the light of the low carbon economy. 2016. Thesis (Business) - Federal University of Bahia.

6. Diego Enriquez Tachy Technical and economic evaluation of the CO2 capture process by membrane, absorption and hybrid technologies. 2016. Thesis (Industrial Engineering Program) - Polytechnic School of UFBA.

7. 7. Sasha Gramacho. Method for the selection of terrestrial oil fields in the Recôncavo and Sergipe Basin for large-scale use of CO2-EOR and geological storage of CO2. 2016. Thesis Project (Industrial Engineering Program) - Polytechnic School of UFBA. Advisor: Celio Andrade

8. Alice Falleiro. Challenges and opportunities for renewable energy projects registered in the first period of the Kyoto Protocol . 2015. Thesis (Environmental Engineering) Federal University of Santa Maria - Rio Grande do Sul.

9. Ricardo Goulart. Structure of the voluntary carbon market in Brazil: An exploratory study. 2013. Thesis (Administration) - Federal University of Bahia.

10. Ana Cristina de Oliveira Telesforo. Characterization of greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction projects in the Brazilian semiarid region . 2012. Thesis (Business) - University of Fortaleza - UNIFOR.

11. André Luís Rocha de Souza. International trade in carbon credits: a comparative analysis between regulated and voluntary markets in Brazil . 2012. Thesis (Business) - Federal University of Bahia.

12. Annita Andrade.
The contribution of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects to the fulfillment of the national solid waste policy in Brazil. 2012. Thesis (Business) - Federal University of Bahia.

13. Maísa Paraguassu. Qualitative Methodology Proposal for Risk Assessment in Geological CO2 Storage: a case study illustrating the Fazenda Mamoeiro field in the Recôncavo Basin. 2012. Thesis (Industrial Engineering) - Federal University of Bahia.

14. Eduardo Baltar Leão. The responses of companies located in Rio Grande do Sul to climate change . 2011. Thesis (Business) Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul.

15. Kristian Brito Pasini. Analysis of Clean Development Projects in Landfills. 2011. Thesis (Business) - Federal University of Bahia.

16. Chana Michelli Brum Guillen. Contributions from Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Activities to Sustainable Development in Brazil. 2010. Thesis (Business) Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul.

17. Andréa Cardoso Ventura. The challenging action of environmental social movements against Clean Development Mechanisms (CDM) in Latin America. 2009. Thesis (Master in Contemporary Studies of Latin America) - Universidad Complutense of Madrid.

18. Luciano Ângelo Francisco Karel Napravnik Filho. The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and technology transfer. 2009. (Strategic Administration) Universidade Salvador.

19. Andréa Cardoso Ventura.
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM): an analysis of the regulation of socio-environmental conflicts in the Plantar Project . 2008. Thesis (Business) - Federal University of Bahia.

Specialization Course Conclusion Monographs Completed and Specialists Trained:

1. Lilian Moor Brandão. Comparative Analysis CDM Energy Cogeneration Projects through Biomass. 2010. Monograph (Environmental Solutions for Industrial Poles) - SENAI - Bahia Regional Department

Graduation Monographies Completed and Graduates:

1. Ana Cristina Telesforo. The contribution of Brazilian environmental public policies as an incentive for Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects in the energy area in Brazil. 2008. (Business). School of Administration - UFBA.

2.Thais Cairo.
Brazil's adherence to the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM): An exploratory study. 2010. (International Business) Universidade Salvador - UNIFACS.

3. Gilcimar Santos Nascimento.
Identification and Analysis of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reduction Projects of Companies Signing the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) in the BRICS . 2013. Monograph (Business) - UFBA.

Scientific Initiation Work Completed and SI Scholarship holders trained:

1. Angélica Prado. Ações estratégicas de resiliência urbana das cidades membros do programa R100. Scientific Initiation - Federal University of Bahia (CNPq). 2018-2019.

2. Amanda Nascimento. 
Levantamento das cidades membros do programa R100.
Scientific Initiation - Federal University of Bahia (CNPq). 2018-2019.

3. Gilcimar Santos Nascimento. Identification and Analysis of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reduction Projects of Companies Signing the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) in the Northeast and Bahia. 2012. Scientific Initiation (Business) - Federal University of Bahia.

4. Paulo Ribeiro.
Identification and Analysis of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reduction Projects Commercialized in the Voluntary Carbon Market in the Northeast and Bahia. 2012. Scientific Initiation (Chemical Engineering) - Polytechnic School of UFBA.

5. Hugo Cardoso.
Identification and Analysis of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reduction Projects Commercialized in the Voluntary Carbon Market in Brazil. 2012. Scientific Initiation (Accounting) - Federal University of Bahia.

6. Luiza Schultz.
Identification and Analysis of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reduction Projects through Carbon Capture and Storage Technology (CCS) in the Northeast and Bahia. 2011. Scientific Initiation (Business) - Federal University of Bahia.

7. Álison Klener Pereira Ribeiro.
Classification of the co-benefits of the voluntary carbon market for sustainable development.2012. Scientific Initiation (Business) - Federal University of Bahia.

8. Luiz Eduardo Marcelo de Assis.
Identification of voluntary carbon market institutions and organizations. 2012 . Scientific Initiation (Economics) - Federal University of Bahia.

9. Esther de Jesus.
Identification and Analysis of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reduction Projects through Carbon Capture and Storage Technology (CCS) in the Northeast and Bahia . 2012. Scientific Initiation (Business) - Federal University of Bahia.

10. Jorge Calmon.
Voluntary Carbon Market: analysis of the co-benefits of Brazilian Projects for sustainable development . 2013. Scientific Initiation (Accounting) - Federal University of Bahia.

11. Felipe Nascimento.
Comparison of the co-benefits for DS mapped in the voluntary carbon market with the regulated global carbon market . 2013. Scientific Initiation (Accounting) - Federal University of Bahia.

Updated: 04/02/2023

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